So you've found a book, journal, or other publication in the library that you would like to check out- that's great! Please review the Zief Law Library Checkout Policy details below.
Which Library Materials Can I Check Out?
Most books, journals, and publications found in the library can be checked out by students for an extended period of time, but there are exceptions. Open Reserve Books and Course Reserve Books cannot leave the library. Open Reserve books are available for free use within the library, but students are not permitted to take them home. Course Reserve can also only be used within the library, but these materials are not openly accessible to students; Course Reserve is kept behind the Circulation Desk and must be checked out from library staff using your USF student ID card. To learn more about Reserve books, visit the welcome website's "Does The Library Have My Course Textbooks?"
Loan Duration: How Long Can I Check Out A Book?
Students are permitted to check out print materials for 30-day periods using their USF student ID card. During this time, students are responsible for the care and safe return of library items.
Are You Having Trouble Checking Out Materials Using Your USF Student ID Card?
If you are having trouble accessing your student ID card, please visit the "How Do I Access The Library?: Hours and USF Student ID Cards" page of this Welcome Website, or Contact the One Card office directly. The One Card Office is located on the 5th floor of University Center. Hours are Monday-Friday, 10:00AM- 3:00PM. Phone: (415) 422-7663 Email: onecard