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Treaty Research - Basic Resources

Finding the text of treaties, plus information about status and parties.


Try the following sources to find the full text. Having the name of a treaty, or citation to it, is very helpful. To find the name or citation, try the sources on the "Finding Treaty Citations, Status & Other Information" section of this guide.

Multilateral Treaties - General Online Sources

Web sites that have (or link to) the full text of multilateral treaties include the following. Some also cover selected bilateral treaties.

Multilateral Treaties - Print Sources

Of these three print sources, two — the United Nations Treaty Series and the League of Nations Treaty Series — are also available to the USF community in digital form via HeinOnline's United Nations Law Collection.

United States Treaties & Other Int'l Agreements (multilateral and bilateral) - Online Sources

No one comprehensive free web source exists for U.S. treaties. Commercial sources such HeinOnline, Westlaw, and Lexis provide the best coverage.

United States Treaties (multilateral and bilateral) - Print & Microfiche Sources

Major non-digital sources for United States treaties at the Zief Law Library include the following. All of these are also available online to the USF community through HeinOnline's Treaties and Agreements Library.

Topical Treaty Collections

Some important topical collections of treaties include:

Regional Treaty Collections.

Some regional treaty collections (or portions of those collections) are now available on the web. These collections include the following: 

National (non-US) Treaty Collections

Some national treaty collections (or portions of those collections) are also available on the web. These collections include the following: 

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