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Source Collection for Law Reviews and Journals

Places to find reliable, cite-able PDF and print sources for law review and law journal source collection

Law Review & Journal Articles

HeinOnline's Law Journal Library is the best source for finding PDF copies of law review articles. It has almost-complete content for almost every law review or law journal published in the United States, as well as considerable coverage of other English-language law journals.

Caution: the latest year/volume is sometimes not available via HeinOnline. In that case, check the journal's web site to see if it posts PDFs of articles too new to be on HeinOnline.

Get Law Review Articles by Citation Using HeinOnline

Use this form to enter a law review citation and bring up the full text via HeinOnline.

Search Law Journal Library by Citation


Non-Legal Articles

Availability & Finding Techniques

Articles from non-legal scholarly journals are increasingly available in digital format, and, often, in PDF format. (Not all digital journals make articles available as PDFs. You will need to check for PDF availability on an article-by-article basis.)

The best way to locate digital copies of specific articles from non-legal scholarly journals is to use a "journal/periodical finder" like the ones listed below.

Using Journal/Periodical Finders for USF and S.F. Public Library

Enter the title of the journal, (not the article). If the journal is available, you will see a list of choices — often from different suppliers, with different date ranges — for online access.

Newspaper Articles

The challenge of finding articles as they appeared in print

It can be hard to get exact images of articles as they appeared in print newpapers. For most papers, especially those from small cities, the Zief Law Library is no longer making interlibrary borrowing or copying requests. Instead, we recommend defying the Bluebook, trying to find the article in a news source/database on Westlaw or Lexis, and citing to it in that format.

For a few papers — the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the Wall Street Journal — it is possible to get the original print article via microfilm by visiting the periodicals section on the 2nd floor of USF's Gleeson Library. The New York Times for all but the most recent couple of years is also available digitally, with exact images of articles. Details and a link are below.

Search Tips — Lexis

To search for a particular story, try this search template:

headline("phrase from headline") and byline(firstname w/3 lastname)

After you have your results, use the "Timeline" to filter by date.

Search Tips — Westlaw

To search for a particular story, try this search template:

title("phrase from headline") and author(firstname /3 lastname)

To limit by date, use the "Date" field in the "advanced" search template.

Is the Journal I Need at USF?

So you have a citation to a great-sounding article — but not direct link to the full text....

How do you tell if the article is available at USF?

Just use USF's "Journal Finder" to look up the title of the journal that published the article. If that journal is available at USF, it will (usually) show up in the journal finder.  

(One caveat: the Journal Finder doesn't tell you if a journal is on Westlaw or on Lexis Advance.)

Example - Law Review Article

Lewis H. Van Dusen, The Progress of Labor Law, 14 Temple L. Q. 1 (1939-1940)

Example - Non-Legal Article

Gareth Davies & Martha Derthick, Race and Social Welfare Policy: The Social Security Act of 1935, 112 Pol. Sci. Quarterly 217, 224-26 (1997)

Example - Newspaper Article

Erik Eckholm, Seductively Easy, 'Payday Loans' Often Snowball, N.Y. Times, Dec. 23, 2006, at A1

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